Friday, March 30, 2007


My first skiing experience! I bet it's many people's dream to at least try skiing once. And ya , i've materialised mine.
And it was super-duper fun indeed! The adrenaline rush of sliding down the steep slope , the thrill of slipping and falling and rolling , the excitement of getting a broken limb (slightly exaggerated). All in all , it makes a memorable experience.
Being totally inept in this sport , we started off rather clumsily , and in fact for most of us , ended clumsily too. Trying to move up a small slope took us more than 10 attempts , as we just slipped down everytime we inched a little bit foward , so eventually we gave up,took off the ski and walked up instead before sliding down.
Sliding down the slope was AAARRGGGHHHH - unspeakably thrilling! Nothing beats this. No safety precaution or seat belt fastened like sitting in roller coster , so you won't know what you will end up in. For me , almost all my attempts ended up with face on the ground or legs split open or a big bump on the butt , any fall you can imagine of.
But i have made my resolution , for the next winter , i am going take up proper skiing class and master skiing before spring comes...

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