Friday, November 24, 2006

Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra

I have a wide taste for music. From enjoying Jazz performance two weeks ago to clubbing at Belmondos last week , this week let's turn to Classical music!It was an enthralling experience watching the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra performed. How long have i not enjoyed one such great classical performance since the last one at Petronas Philharmonic Orchestra two years ago. And it was something i anticipated much since coming here. Afterall , Olomouc is a city of rich musical and theatrical background. How could someone miss it?
From Allegro , Andante to Presto , i was drifted away by every single note of it. The strings , the woodwinds , the percussions , all with each distinctive tone yet all were played with one soul. One music , one soul. From the initial string ensemble with moderate tempo , the music gradually built up. The solo performance by the violinist really melted the audience hearts. The skillful articulation of every notes and impeccable coordination with the orchestra just made the whole performance one worth remembering. But nothing beats the climax of the night - Beethoven 7th symphony. The instructor was so agitated , the players were so passionate , the music shrouded the whole hall and penetrated everyone. By the time it culminated ,one just shouted "Bravo!' follwed by whole house of standing ovation which lasted for 5 minutes. I was just speechless and in awe...
A night to remember..

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Success and Failure

I heaved a sigh of relief realising that i passed my anatomy test. Enough by knowing that i passed , with no anticipation for the grades. A , B or C no longer means anythin. Everyone worked hard and strived to survive the torturous torment of weekly anatomy test , yet only half the class emerged with a "pass". Guess i am just lucky to be in that category.

We used to believe that as long as we study , our hard work will be reflected in the results. Yet here , in contrary , hardwork is no longer proportional to the grades we get. Of course everyone work hard here , but not everyone achieve good grades. There are many external factors contributing to the final results : luck is one of it i must say. Sometimes it is not that we do not know the answer , but to answer too much or too less is also wrong. It must be perfectly accurate to gain that mere one mark.

Asian students tend to see marks and grades as larger than life. A loss of one mark is tamtamount to killing oneself. That's our culture and that's how we are being brought up. Parents cane the kids for losing one marks , students beg the teachers for that extra one marks , friends argue for that one mark of difference , see how much one mark can do! But if this attitude is to be carried here , i think one would have committed suicide long ago.

Feel satisfied by getting a C.To see the positive side of it , it is better than fail. Not to be pessimistic by seeing it as inferior to A and B. There is always room for improvement.

Which bring me to this ...
There is a common Chinese saying literally translated as "Failure is the mother of Success". Ironically , many parents do not keep that in mind when reprimanding their kids when they fail their exam. All parents want the best out of their kids , but the fact is everyone is unique on its own with different capabilities as well as shortcomings. Not everyone is meant to do well in study.If everyone were to score perfectly in all exams , there will be all No.1 in class with no one at the bottom. So do not make comparison with neighbour's or friend's children. To cheer for their success and effort but not to belittle their failure. When there is failure , there is always another chance for success.

Life is not just amount scoring high in exams. There are more aims to achieve , more dreams to realise. Sky is the limit. Do not be obsessed by marks...

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Finally a day to chill out! Jdeme na party v Pahtek! Pivo? Wino?
Finally i can leave my books behind for a night.
Finally i can let my body recuperate from the physical torment and my brain unwind before the spring got over-twitched.
Finally i can enjoy the night life in Olomouc.
Finally i can unleash all the toxic in me that has accumulated over the week.

Finally............ i can sleep well for a night...Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Teetering on the Verge of Breakdown

Stress is building up as semester exam is just around the corner. So many things to cover , yet so little time left. 7 days a week is never enough for a medical student. Weeks fly past without even realising it. Every week , there are loads of works to be cleared off before the next week approaches. The accumulated work can easily suffocate and drown a person. It is critical to complete today's task by today.Procrastination will kill... There will always be more things waiting ahead.

It is a mental , physical and emotional challenge. Everyday is about being physically fit , mentally alert and emotionally strong to face the mountains of notes and books lying ahead to study. From memorising the rules , grammar and vocabulary of Latin and Czech language to understanding the mechanisms of how cell works in biology back to memorising and identifing the blood vessels , bones , nerves , muscles in anatomy and finally to analysing over hundreds of chemical compounds in Chemistry , that is our routine everyday.

Before this semester exam , i have one book of chemistry (~1ooo pgs) , one book of biology (~700 pgs) , one book of Anatomy (~500pgs) to cover. Phew!!

It is a path we have chosen , so it is also a challenge we have to face. May God bless us with the energy and strength to continue this tumultous journey to the end...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Crossroads" v Olomouci

It's another cultural event in Olomouc. It's the second year of "Crossroads" , a multicultural festival across central europe where they showcase music , arts and films from all over the region.

Not missing this once in a year event , i decided to give myself some chill after a mind-boggling , nerve-breaking morning of anatomy test and lecture. I picked the Jazz performance by 100NKA , a polish jazz trio.

The outcome - superb! It was really a great performance. They bring new dimension to the music by spicing it with electronic guitar. And they are truly masters of groove and improvisation. A few bars of music can be improvised in so many different ways. The rhythm , the synchopation , the running notes , the diminished and augmented chords , everything was cooked into an awesome dish. Everyone was drifted away by their music.

It's an unorthodox way of playing ,in which the percussionist uses various types of household material like pots , pans and chairs to create the extra sound and the guitarist and basist each with their individual style of improvisation. For some it may sound out-of-tune. For others , it's an appreciation of soulful expessions and freedom in music.

Once again , music has proven to be the common language of all. Despite the communication barrier , we can all sit down and enjoy the same music , be bonded by the same interest , see eye to eye in the same thing. Wonderful!

Friday, November 03, 2006


This is our first experience of snow. Everyone is so excited by the first sight of it. Waking up in the morning and seeing everything in white outside the room , i can't help but to gasp "Oh my God! It's snow!!" Finally i am experiencing real snow! Not like back in Malaysia where we have to pay to experience artificial snow. This is just amazing.Donning my newly bought white jacket with fur , i feverishly got myself ready for school. Anam greeted us with his throw of snow ball. That's it! We started picking up snow and throwing at each other. Still not losing the inner child in us.It was a mesmerising experience to just walk on the road and enjoy the chill as drops of snow fell on the face accompanied by the cold and crispy wind. Refreshing!Anyway the whole place will be covered by snow for many months to go. Till then , we might just get bored of it and yearn back our Malaysian hot scorching sun and humid weather!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Party

My first Halloween Party!

We didn't plan to go initially. It was a last minute decision.Party started at 9. We went at 11. So no costume prepared.Hopefully next year i will get myself one.

Anyway it was really fun. Great music , great drink and great friends!