Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Crossroads" v Olomouci

It's another cultural event in Olomouc. It's the second year of "Crossroads" , a multicultural festival across central europe where they showcase music , arts and films from all over the region.

Not missing this once in a year event , i decided to give myself some chill after a mind-boggling , nerve-breaking morning of anatomy test and lecture. I picked the Jazz performance by 100NKA , a polish jazz trio.

The outcome - superb! It was really a great performance. They bring new dimension to the music by spicing it with electronic guitar. And they are truly masters of groove and improvisation. A few bars of music can be improvised in so many different ways. The rhythm , the synchopation , the running notes , the diminished and augmented chords , everything was cooked into an awesome dish. Everyone was drifted away by their music.

It's an unorthodox way of playing ,in which the percussionist uses various types of household material like pots , pans and chairs to create the extra sound and the guitarist and basist each with their individual style of improvisation. For some it may sound out-of-tune. For others , it's an appreciation of soulful expessions and freedom in music.

Once again , music has proven to be the common language of all. Despite the communication barrier , we can all sit down and enjoy the same music , be bonded by the same interest , see eye to eye in the same thing. Wonderful!

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