Thursday, November 23, 2006

Success and Failure

I heaved a sigh of relief realising that i passed my anatomy test. Enough by knowing that i passed , with no anticipation for the grades. A , B or C no longer means anythin. Everyone worked hard and strived to survive the torturous torment of weekly anatomy test , yet only half the class emerged with a "pass". Guess i am just lucky to be in that category.

We used to believe that as long as we study , our hard work will be reflected in the results. Yet here , in contrary , hardwork is no longer proportional to the grades we get. Of course everyone work hard here , but not everyone achieve good grades. There are many external factors contributing to the final results : luck is one of it i must say. Sometimes it is not that we do not know the answer , but to answer too much or too less is also wrong. It must be perfectly accurate to gain that mere one mark.

Asian students tend to see marks and grades as larger than life. A loss of one mark is tamtamount to killing oneself. That's our culture and that's how we are being brought up. Parents cane the kids for losing one marks , students beg the teachers for that extra one marks , friends argue for that one mark of difference , see how much one mark can do! But if this attitude is to be carried here , i think one would have committed suicide long ago.

Feel satisfied by getting a C.To see the positive side of it , it is better than fail. Not to be pessimistic by seeing it as inferior to A and B. There is always room for improvement.

Which bring me to this ...
There is a common Chinese saying literally translated as "Failure is the mother of Success". Ironically , many parents do not keep that in mind when reprimanding their kids when they fail their exam. All parents want the best out of their kids , but the fact is everyone is unique on its own with different capabilities as well as shortcomings. Not everyone is meant to do well in study.If everyone were to score perfectly in all exams , there will be all No.1 in class with no one at the bottom. So do not make comparison with neighbour's or friend's children. To cheer for their success and effort but not to belittle their failure. When there is failure , there is always another chance for success.

Life is not just amount scoring high in exams. There are more aims to achieve , more dreams to realise. Sky is the limit. Do not be obsessed by marks...


little hill said...

wow... med school sounds reali tough... tank god im taking pharmacy, lol.. take care yea nicholas! g luk in ur future exams. cheers!

anju said...

hey nic =) it's anju. thank you for that. i wish there were more like you right here with me. take care!!! and thank you so much for the birthday wish!!! miss you too ;)