Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Teetering on the Verge of Breakdown

Stress is building up as semester exam is just around the corner. So many things to cover , yet so little time left. 7 days a week is never enough for a medical student. Weeks fly past without even realising it. Every week , there are loads of works to be cleared off before the next week approaches. The accumulated work can easily suffocate and drown a person. It is critical to complete today's task by today.Procrastination will kill... There will always be more things waiting ahead.

It is a mental , physical and emotional challenge. Everyday is about being physically fit , mentally alert and emotionally strong to face the mountains of notes and books lying ahead to study. From memorising the rules , grammar and vocabulary of Latin and Czech language to understanding the mechanisms of how cell works in biology back to memorising and identifing the blood vessels , bones , nerves , muscles in anatomy and finally to analysing over hundreds of chemical compounds in Chemistry , that is our routine everyday.

Before this semester exam , i have one book of chemistry (~1ooo pgs) , one book of biology (~700 pgs) , one book of Anatomy (~500pgs) to cover. Phew!!

It is a path we have chosen , so it is also a challenge we have to face. May God bless us with the energy and strength to continue this tumultous journey to the end...

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