Sunday, April 08, 2007

Devils at work

One devil is enough to create trouble. When two devils meet up , they definitely wreak havoc!

This is what happened during Priya's birthday.

8 ways of making her birthday memorable:

1. Start counting down a week before her birthday. Leave hints everywhere (on the blackboard , on her book , on the slide show , sit beside her) to remind her that we have PREPARED something 'special' for her.

2. Recruit enough team members to work on the evil plan.

3. Prepare her favourite food and drink.

Food: Bread with thick spread of blended dried chilli and chilli padi.
Drink: Egg , Coffee , Milk , salad cream , chilli padi , dried chilli , chilli powder , spices and BELACAN , all blended till smooth.

4.Tell her we will play a prank on her the night before her birthday , but catch her unprepared by having it a day before.

5. Blindfold her and bring her to a secluded place. Make her down the food and drink.

6.Remove the blindfold and before she can react , smash one fresh egg on her.

7.Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Priya! Happy birthday to you!

8.Celebrate 21st birthday with diarrhoe and vomitting due to spiciness of the drink and food.

*Our initial plan is up to no.7 . Due to unforeseen circumstances , no. 8 has unfortunately happened.


2 evils have to apologise.
And to 'repent' and 'turn over a new leaf' , each of us have bought a new t-shirt 'I am NICE'.

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