Saturday, January 12, 2008


I don't think Malaysia has a good start this year. What is wrong with everything? Within 2 weeks , 2 politicians are gone. One with scandal , another one shot dead.

I think it's time we sit back and review what is going around us. With the impending general election around the corner , it is not a good sign for the ruling party in anyway. Does everything happen out of coincidence?

First , about the sex scandal involving our ex health minister. Like what he said , Malaysians tend to act 'holier than thou' , thinking that everyone behaves nothing but like saint. Ya right! That's what every politician tries to portray. They just have to pray hard that their dark secrets will be kept till the grave and not spilled out the bag. Of course it is hard to accept a leader , tainted by such scandal ,to rule the country , but come to think of it again , who are we to judge others? Ya , we tell people we are religious , we are holy , but when you cut all these craps , how many out there are with mistresses , having one night stands? Just because you are not caught in the act in cctv doesn't mean you are safe. And what about those corrupted ones? Their despicable act are still kept sealed. Maybe since all the 'small fishes' are caught , there are no more scapegoats to be sacrificed , so all the anti corruption campaigns just dissappear with the wind.

And everyone knows that is it a political move to thrash a politician , just like what happened to Bill Clinton years ago. And yet , we are advocating such act by not giving the minister a second chance. And no politicians are dare enough to stand up and fight on his behalf. Enough of all those comments " he is my comrade" , "he is a good leader" , "we will miss a great leader" . That's it? I guess Karina Lau was luckier that time when all Hong Kong artists stood by her side and fight with her when her nude photos were exhibited by unscrupulous party.

And to the second case which just happened today. It makes me wonder , how safe is Malaysia? To be shot point blank in the lift. I thought it could only happen in movie scene. So now , Malaysian are living in fear. Who knows what will happen next?

I wouldn't say it is a political turmoil in the country. Of course no country leader will admit that it is no matter what. As they always won't. When have you heard our leaders said we are in trouble. Everything is under control despite issues spiraling out beyond control. Even when the blind can see it , the deaf can hear it , they are still oblivious and ignorant of it.

What about the issue of Hindraf? What about the issue of demonstrations in KL? It is not a SMALL problem. It is not a SIMPLE problem. When people have grudges and have no way to channel it , they will seek the extreme way. And if our leaders are still not paying enough attentions to it , it will soon be an epidemic discontent and outrage. It's better to weed out the problems before it turns cancerous.

But sadly to say , they are not taking the right approach towards the problems. Banning demonstrations doesn't mean problem is solved. Capturing people doesn't mean problem is solved either. With such easy accesibility towards mass media and telecommunication , propaganda , ideology , plan and motive can reach out far to all and sundry. So even if demonstrations are banned , there are other ways to convey their thinking. And Malaysians are getting more educated, which is what government want. But they have to be aware that with education and knowledge , people are also more politically aware and want to voice up their opinions and views. It is not like food and money alone will silence the mouths during our forefather's time.

In a democratic country , people's voice means nation's voice. But how many times do leaders listen? Only sucked-up opinions are shown. And all criticisms are covered up. How are we going to improve if all is perfect? And general public are scared to voice up due to all the restrictions and laws imposed , while the other few fearless ones will seek radical way , but eventually end up eating 'curry rice'.

We love our country. We want the best for the country. But are we really going the right way? We are playing on international arena. Each and every move we make is seen by everyone. And by how we act now , we are a laughing stock for the others. See the interview by Al-Jazeera with our information minster about the demonstration issues. I don't even understand what he was trying to say. Obviously it was rather a ridiculous opinion. Sigh~

We just pray for a better year ahead. Pray hard. That's what we are best in doing. Whenever anything goes wrong. PRAY...

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