Thursday, August 03, 2006

Poco Poem

Life is a journey ,
Dream is our goal ,
Failure is our motivation ,
Success is our destination.

Family is our air,
We can't live a few seconds without it;
Friends are our water,
We can't survive without them either;
Paramour is our food,
We can't grow without its nourishment;
Foes are the poisons,
We try to avoid yet always seem futile.

Romance is..
Sweet when we pronounce "i love you",
Sour when we are green with envy,
Spicy when we start tongue lashing,
Bitter when we say "bye bye"

Love is a chemical reaction,
Between two different reactants,
If reaction does occur,
Both reactants will change;
If activation energy is too high,
It's time to say goodbye.

Friendship is a plate of steak,
We may yearn for it before we have tried it,
We savour every bits of it as much as we can,
We try to eat the same dish day in and day out,
Till one day when we lost interest in it,
That's the time we change to nasi lemak,
But occasionally trying back will find it delicious.

Journey in life has no end,
As long as the heart is pumping,
The journey will always continue,
Every destination leads to new path,
Every path leads to more paths,
And eventually all paths converge at one tomb.
Leave with a smile of satisfaction,
Leave no regrets and remorse behind.

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